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河北“明胶”案一审宣判 责任人被判17年

发表于 2013-3-30 10:20:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
img name="videoPic" h2>a target="_blank" href="http://yiliao.qq.com/a/20130330/http:河北阜城“明胶”案主要负责人被判处17年有期徒刑河北阜城“明胶”案主要负责人被判处17年有期徒刑(福建义工联盟http://www.fqyg.net)_本报讯 (记者刘岚 通讯员丁力辛)29日,备受社会关注的河北阜城“明胶”案一审宣判,河北学洋明胶蛋白厂负责人宋海新被判处17年有期徒刑,并处罚金200万元,其他13名被告人分别被判处6年以下有期徒刑、缓刑或处罚金。阜城县人民法院经审理查明:2004年4月,阜城县明胶总厂更名为河北学洋明胶蛋白厂,该厂为家庭式经营,宋海新负责该厂全面工作。2007年8月,该厂经营范围变更为:食品添加剂(明胶)水解蛋白、食用阿胶、皮胶、工业水解皮革粉生产销售及相关进出口业务,并于2009年12月获得食品添加剂生产许可证。因投资大,销路不佳,该厂基本没生产食用明胶,而是使用工业皮革废料,经过熬煮、干燥、粉碎等工序加工制成工业明胶。该厂生产、销售“问题明胶”被新闻媒体曝光后,阜城县公安机关查扣该厂库存涉案工业明胶47.84吨(经抽样检验为不合格工业明胶)。2010年7月至2012年1月间,被告人宋海新还为他人虚开增值税专用发票27张,税价合计1928300元,涉及税款280180.32元。阜城县人民法院认为,被告人宋海新作为学洋明胶厂负责人,目无国法,以假充真,生产、销售不合格产品,其构成生产、销售伪劣产品罪;在生产、销售“问题明胶”被曝光后,为逃避法律责任而转移、隐匿依法应当保存的会计凭证等物品,其行为构成隐匿会计凭证罪;在无实际业务往来的情况下,虚开增值税专用发票,其行为构成虚开增值税专用发票罪。此外,被告人刘猛、刘爱国、刘岭、宋江新、刘建新、宋训杰、宋训刚、王亚利、吴照强等人为逃避法律责任,转移、藏匿销毁证据的违法行为已被查明。根据《中华人民共和国刑法》、《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理生产、销售伪劣商品刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》、《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的解释》相关规定,阜城县人民法院以生产、销售伪劣产品罪及隐匿会计凭证罪、虚开增值税专用发票罪对被告人宋海新数罪并罚,决定执行有期徒刑17年,并处罚金200万元。法院还根据各被告人犯罪的具体情节及悔罪表现对其他被告人作出相应判决。2012年4月15日,央视《每周质量报告》播出节目《胶囊里的秘密》,对一些非法厂商用皮革下脚料造药用胶囊的事件进行了曝光。随后,卫生部迅速反应,叫停了9家药企的胶囊产品。在“毒胶囊”事件中,河北学洋明胶蛋白厂用皮革废料熬制成工业明胶,卖给企业制成药用胶囊。

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匿名  发表于 2017-11-21 23:38:07
Writing a medical thesis or dissertation is a task done by almost all postgraduate and master's medical students. Dissertation is derived from the Latin word disserto which means discuss. It is essential to write successful medical papers such as medicine essays and medical thesis papers. There are several reasons as to why students write medicine essays. One of the reasons is to promote enhancement of critical judgment, research skills as well as analytical skills. Moreover, medicine essay writing produce students with the ability to 4evaluate and analyze data critically.

The initial step for writing medicine essays is to choose a topic. A writer should have at least three topics to choose from. The topic has to be interesting, feasible and relevant. It is essential to write quality medicine essay. Hence, students need to have analytical skills and perfect writing skills. The writing skills will enable them write outstanding essay papers that can be highly regarded by instructors and professors. Teachers often require a lot and expect a lot from their students in terms of medicine essay writing. for this reason, students find essay writing to be an extremely difficult task and hence resort to buying custom medicine essays.

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A custom medicine essay has a similar structure to any other academic essay assignment. It has an introduction that introduces the topic and tells the reader what the essay is all about. The second section is the body that has many paragraphs supporting the main topic. Finally there is the conclusion that briefly summarizes what has been discussed in the body section of the essay. Students should choose reliable writing companies so that they can get quality custom papers on several fields such as technology, sociology and law in addition to medicine field.

Our custom writing company is the best company that all clients should rely on when in need of any given type of medicine paper. We provide quality papers that not only plagiarism free but also original. Moreover, our custom papers are affordable and able to guarantee academic excellence at all times. All our medical papers are reliable and sure of satisfying clients at all times.

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